HALO AI presented at the November 2023 Stellenbosch Biophotons Conference in South Africa in the category of Devices.
Topics covered included anthromurmuration, special relativity, and the quantum nature of photon behavior and its effects on the human mind.
What Are Biophotons?
All Living Systems Emit Light
Biophotons are defined as 'ultraweak' visible-light photons emitted by a living system. The name can be misleading to many, as infrared light pours from most living systems continuously in the infrared. But biophotons are often defined specifically as human-eye-color-visible light emissions from living forms, whether this is human beings or onion sprouts. This will come as no surprise to many, as matter, in the quantum realm, can be understood as essentially 'dense light energy.' When a particular particle in such a massive and complex system as a human being changes states, it is always possible that a photon will be emitted. This is a basic tenet of quantum electrodynamics - QED.
One question that might be asked of biophotons is: what patterns can be detected in their rhythms of appearance? In the realm of HALO, anthromurmuration is one potential place to look for synchronizing or rhythmic patterns in biophotonic emission, and this is where the research of HALO AI and Biophotons intersect.
For instance, we might ask: How many photons are emitted every time your heart beats?
Is there any relationship?
Does emotion or what a classical psychologist might call 'affect' or 'arousal' play any role in biophoton pattern or intensity?
Do stress levels?
Oxidative conditions?
Current brainwave frequencies?
A physicist will tell you that the emission of photons of some variety from nearly any lifeform is a consistent process, but whether or not these photons occur in the visible light spectrum is what makes biophotons unique.
Anthromurmuration cues us to ask: If the body is emanating photons, how many photons are emitted at any pulsating second, other than heat?
"The UPE emitted by the upper part of the body of nine volunteers was imaged in two different personal states: (i) when subjects were feeling relaxed; and (ii) when they were emotionally stimulated to feel anger. For all the volunteers, the relative measurement of UPE intensity was higher when feeling anger than when feeling relaxed."
"Virtually all living organisms emit extremely weak light, spontaneously without external photoexcitation. This biophoton emission is categorized in different phenomena of light emission from bioluminescence, and is believed to be a by-product of biochemical reactions in which excited molecules are produced from bioenergetic processes that involve active oxygen species."
"Many open questions remain until a proper understanding of the electromagnetic interaction of the human organism can be achieved: which structures act as receptors and emitters for electromagnetic radiation? How is electromagnetic information received and processed within cells?"